Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trey's Day in the rain

Trey was loving the rain & kept pointing out the windows. He would squeal as if to say "something big is happening!" It wasn't fun for me to get him into daycare in the rain, but we managed without getting drenched.

I got a wonderful surprise when we got to daycare today. Trey's first teacher from his infant class is now his teacher in his Two's class! I am so thrilled! Trey loves Miss Anna & we really like her too. He hasn't been at daycare in over a week and the last week he was there, we thought there were too many kids in his class. Now they have split them into smaller groups and have him in the younger group with Miss Anna. The report I got this afternoon was that Trey didn't nap-no doubt he was too excited about seeing Miss Anna!

The other report I got today was that no nap today made for a cranky, sleepy baby boy this evening for Daddy. Ruben said Trey was out by 6:30! Asleep on his chest & snoring! He woke him for bedtime milk & that was all she wrote...he's such a good sleeper (Knock on wood somewhere quick!) I truly think I have his pediatrician to thank for that-he taught me how to teach Trey to sleep at night. It was a very tough 12 weeks but well worth it. Not always a napper though-just like Mommy!

Just a couple more days until we get Trey's proofs from the photographer's. They usually come in on Wednesday so I'll probably get them on Thursday, but at least by Friday.

We're heading to Memphis on Friday for Labor Day weekend to see our friends, Edwin & Candace, from home. They have a 3 1/2 yr old, William (our godson) & a 13 month old Anna Bowen. Trey will have so much fun playing with them & in their big, FLAT backyard! We'll want to stay after seeing him play "outside" which is his favorite.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

18 month old photo

Ok, so you're right-this is not Trey! But it is the cute outfit he wore in his photos today. It goes great w/ his blue eyes. I hope they turn out well. He kept wanting to run off the set. He did smile in several though. I will have the proofs in about a week. Our photographer doesn't post them online like I've seen. I wish they did. But the photos always turn out great.

The Sun Has Come Out...

Do you ever think your baby & you are somehow linked still? ESP,pyschically,whatever you want to call it. I know it sounds crazy & I've never believed in any of that. But Trey & I seem to be magically connected in a way I can't explain. If he is napping & a thought even crosses my mind about him waking up(usually thinking I hope he sleeps longer so I can finish what I'm doing!) he will wake up within seconds of my thought. And I'm in another part of the house. In the mornings, he has been sleeping to 8am or at least 7:45 for the last several months(a true blessing!). Today we are going for his 18 mon. photos at 10am so I set my alarm for 7am so I could get dressed before he got up. Well, guess what time that little stinker woke up?! 7am-but before my alarm went off! How of all days does he do that? It seems too coincidental to be chance. And,trust me,I always sleep until he wakes up!

Oh, and as far the title of this post...I just had a great surprise when I changed Trey after getting him out of the crib. He was only wet! (Warning:this may be TMI for any non-moms out there!) This would not be such a big deal, but he has had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks and this is the first day he hasn't been exceedingly (change the sheets) dirty. It may not last but I'm taking it as a sign for now! Ruben & I have been sick this week with a GI bug so its been a rough week to say the least. Trey's not sick at least (so he has megawatts of energy!:))

I hope his photos turn out well. I'll post more about it later, for now I need to finish getting him ready to go...see this is why I'm late everywhere! I get too caught up in the moment,then the moments fly by & become mean old minutes & hours!

One last thing-Way to go USA Women's beach volleyball-GOLD MEDAL for USA's Kerri Walsh & Misty May!! Awesome-Ruben & I watched it live last night. AMERICAN PRIDE is a great feeling!

So Trey's off to photos and then lunch with Daddy...what an easy life he has!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Trey turns 19 months old!!

Yesterday (8/18) was Trey's 19 month mark. I usually think of this off & on all day when he turns a new month, even though he is way past the 1 year mark now. But yesterday I was trying to take care of him while in the middle of a nasty stomach virus that kept me up the night before & left me weak as a kitten yesterday-yuck! I went to buy Gatorade mid-day at the Walgreen's (literally on our corner) and the cashier asked me how old he was. I said 18 months out of habit & then was jolted out of my stupor of exhaustion & said- actually he's 19 months today. My day suddenly seemed brighter despite my feeling so crummy. Little man is getting older quick! Well on his way to 2 years old which seems SO hard to believe.

Luckily Trey did not catch it from me but Ruben seems to have a milder version so he's on the couch tonight. I stayed on the couch last night under 2 blankets-chills in August! So I think it was definitely a virus & not something I ate. I hope Trey does not get it.

I felt so bad that Trey & I did nothing special yesterday. This evening we went in the backyard & ran around & Trey got "sprayed" w/ the waterhose which is his favorite water activity. It is finally not so hot outside before his early bedtime of 7pm so we went out. But after being sprayed a few times with no shirt on, he said "cold,cold" & held his arms up to his chest! This is the first time he's said cold when talking about himself. He has said "hot" for a couple of weeks now & in the last few days, he's said cold when talking about a drink. I promptly took him in & got him warm. But at least now I know he can tell me when he's cold or hot! His other new word is "mo, mo" for more. This is usually about food, espeically chocolate milk! He can down 9 oz. & still say "mo".

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trey's latest...and greatest!

Trey managed to put his shoe on yesterday after much effort. He didn't get it strapped all the way but was walking around in one shoe. I was quite impressed! He has been trying to put his clothes on for a few weeks now.

He wanted a Capri Sun yesterday & I told him he would have to sit down to drink it (otherwise he carries it around & spills it on the carpet!). He immediately went to his little table that Grannie & PaPa brought him & sat down! I couldn't believe he actually understood what I said & also that he did it. Now that's progress!

Last night we went to Ceramic Creations in Hoover & made a photo frame w/ his handprint for Grannie's birthday that's coming up next month. I hope it turns out well. I know she will love it. Ruben painted the rest of it while I wrestled w/ Trey to keep him from breaking all the ceramics in the place! Finally we went outside & walked around. Then we sat in the minivan & had a snack. I want to go back & make one for us. It looks like fun.

Our blog

You may have noticed some nice changes to our blog-the pretty flowers & header are all thanks to Ruben who is a computer genius! Its still a work in progress but looks much better than when I started it. Thanks honey!

Now I just need to learn how to upload photos directly into the blog posts and I'll be posting more often. As you may have noticed I'm falling behind again on posting!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

18 month old Dr. visit

Trey & I went today for his 18 month well baby visit. Trey did so well when Dr. McCown was examining him! Even the Dr. said he was being good & looked perfect. Much better than his 15 month old exam when he screamed the whole time!

He weighed in at a whopping 26 1/2 pounds and was 33 1/2 inches long! I just knew he would be longer, like 35 or 36 inches but still he was 90% on the growth curve for height. He was 60% for weight & 90% for head circumference (no wonder some shirts don't want to fit over his head!) He only got 1 shot today which is a first. It was the 2nd part of the chickenpox vaccine. He didn't cry for very long this time. I was so proud of him!

We've been going every 3 months & now he doesn't have to go back until he's 2. Wow-2 sounds so old! Everything is measured in months now & when he turns 2 it will be in years. Who turned on warp speed after he was born?! The first 6 weeks seemed to last an eternity & now I keep looking for my "baby" & finding a growing little boy! I've heard people say that all my life but experiencing it yourself makes it so real. Boy do I sound old!

When we got home Trey was looking for "Da-Da" & found him soaking in the bathtub reading a book(Daddy's favorite pasttime). I went in the hall bath for a quick minute-during which Trey grabbed random items in the bathroom & threw them at his beloved Da-Da! Then when Ruben put his book down to stop him, Trey picked up his book & chunked it right into the tub!! It was not the start of a great evening to say the least! So it looks like Trey & I will be going shopping tomorrow to replace Da-Da's book. :))

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our weekend...

Trey got a special treat this weekend. PaPa & Grannie Phillips (my folks) came from Florida to visit. He was so excited when they got here, he ran around the house screaming!

We had fun and Mommy & Daddy had some free time including "date night". I got a much needed pedicure & went shopping. Ruben & I went to dinner at Firebirds & saw The Dark Knight. Great Batman movie-Heath Ledger was Brilliant as the Joker. If it had to be his final performance, it was incredible.

I think Trey is teething again-lots of dirty diapers for Grannie to change! :>)) He developed diaper rash from Saturday am to pm. The grandparents spoiled him & he loved it. He cried when they left today and was saying "Papa, Papa" as they were driving off. He hasn't figured out how to say Grannie at all yet.

Ruben grilled pork ribs today & I made brownies so we had a great family dinner. I wish my parents could have stayed longer &/or lived closer. I have to plan a visit soon. Trey loves the huge yard to run around in & the country air where they live.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Love/hate relationship

....I've lost them in parking lots, malls, parks....left them at grandparents & restaurants....boiled them until they were burned & melted....& finally I've run over one!! These were never in my life until Trey came along. What are these things you're wondering??

Pacifiers!!! Or as we affectionately call them...pacis. I'm really beginning to hate them b/c they keep disappearing! At first I loved them b/c they do such a good job of calming Trey & helping put him to sleep. But now they've become annoying. I think I'm declaring war against them soon. I hope Trey's on board w/ that!