Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New camera

Not the greatest photo but the 1st one I took with my new digital camera-I finally have a digital! Its a Nikon Coolpix that's fairly compact but has a zoom lens. The criteria was it had to fit in my travel purse! So I thought I would test putting a photo on the blog. (And, yes, those are Trey's Christmas pajamas!) Looking forward to taking photos on the the trip with it. Trey says its Trey's new camera & had a crying, screaming fit when I wouldn't let him walk off with it. So I let him push buttons while I held it. He especially loves making the flash pop-up & putting it back down ("ooogghh" is his comment & "Trey push little buttons")

I packed Trey's clothes yesterday & some of his other stuff. I think he will be so excited when we get to Nana & Papa's house. Hope to go to the beach on Sunday but I know it will be super hot. We leave Monday from Pensacola at 3:40! Coming so quick now.

Trey has added "please" to his short sentences now & it is so cute. He is saying lots of sentences "Trey can't reach it" & also talking on the phone more. He will say "Hi Mommy" when Ruben puts the phone to his ear now instead of waiting for you to talk.