has taken us in a new direction since my last post & all good so far! Its been a busy, exciting time that I hope continues. Ruben started a new job in September & I got pregnant at the same time. After all those months of waiting & hoping for either or both to happen, it came all at once. Funny how life is like that. We feel very fortunate every day.
We had a great Christmas with Trey. Its strange to think it was our last one with just him. Hopefully by next Christmas, we'll have a bundle of joy to share it with us. I'm due May 21, 2011 with a boy. We knew Trey would be a big brother, but found out Dec. 20 that he will have a little brother. He's very happy about that & "can't wait for him to play trains with him". I told him that would take a little time!
Trey will turn 4 on Jan. 18! At times he seems 4 or 5, then he acts like a 2 yr old. He is still loving Thomas the train & his train table, but also loves the movie Toy Story 3 since last summer. He was Woody for Halloween. We plan to get him a Toy Story cake for his birthday, but he just told me he wants another Thomas cake! He is really stuck on Thomas.
We're very excited about the pregnancy and that everything is going well this time. I have been excited to be pregnant & especially so quickly, but also is a "wait & see" mode & taking it day by day. After the anatomy scan at 18 wks, I felt a big relief. But all last fall I felt anxious everyday that something would happen & still do at times. When I passed the point I was earlier this year (16 wks) that was reassuring too. We've told family, friends, & people at work, but on an individual basis. For about 3 wks now, I have felt him move around as flutters & thumps. Its getting stronger & more regular now, which is very comforting. Hoping this little guy hangs in there & arrives safely in May.
We had to start from square one for boy names. I started tossing out names I like & totally expected Ruben to not like a one. Luckily, he liked several & we have narrowed it down some. Its fun to pick a name completely. With Trey, we knew we wanted to do Ruben III so I just came up with Trey. This time it can be any name out there-& there are some crazy ones! On our short list are Sean, Connor, & Aidan. We haven't picked middle names yet.
Trey is so much fun for the most part(he still acts wild & disobeys a lot too). We have conversations, do silly stuff, read to him, then he wants to "read" the book to you(he tells you the story as he remembers it while turning the pages. We are taking him to the circus in a few weeks. It will be his first time. Ruben & I both loved going when we were kids so we think he will love it.
His latest hilarious comments: I spilled a Diet Dr. Pepper on the carpet & it left a stain. I was commenting on it to Ruben & he told me "just have to get that sucker man to come back". I asked him what are you talking about & he told me the man that sucks stuff out of the carpet! We have them steam cleaned yearly & he saw them do it this fall. He talks about the baby & says sweet stuff & will pat & kiss my belly. Then he says "I'll bang your baby up" if he's mad at me! In Publix yesterday, a lady working there walked by us & said "Hey Sweetie". He looked back at her & said "My name's not Sweetie, its Trey!" We both laughed at him!
It's disgusting....
8 years ago